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tooth : ミニ英和和英辞書

1.歯, 2.(食物の)好み, 歯, かみ合う, 歯を付ける

「 tooth 」を含む部分一致用語の検索リンク〔 205 件 〕

abutment tooth : 《歯学》鉤歯, 支台歯, 維持歯
accessional tooth : 加生歯
acute pericoronitis of wisdom tooth : 急性智歯周囲炎
additional tooth : 加生歯
adjacent tooth : 隣在歯
an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth : 目には目を, 歯には歯を
anatomical artificial tooth : 解剖的人工歯, 解剖学的人工歯
anchor tooth : 固定歯, 維持歯
angle tooth : 隅角歯
ankylosed tooth : 骨性癒着歯
anomaly in tooth eruption : 萌出異常
anomaly in tooth number : 歯数異常
anterior tooth : 前歯
arrangement of artificial tooth : 人工歯排列
artificial tooth : 義歯
artificial tooth for cross bite occlusion : 交叉咬合用人工歯
brown tooth : 褐色歯
bud-shaped tooth : 蕾状歯
canine tooth : 犬切り歯, 犬歯
cardinal tooth : 主歯
carious tooth : う(齲)食(むしば, う(齲)歯)
central tooth : 中歯
cheliceral tooth : が堤歯
completely impacted tooth : 完全埋伏歯
concrescent tooth : 癒着歯
cone-shaped tooth : 円錐歯
congenital tooth : 先天歯
conical tooth : 円錐歯
coronal axis of tooth : 歯冠軸
corresponding tooth : 同名歯
crooked wisdom tooth : ゆがんで生えている親知らず
cross bite tooth : 交叉咬合用臼歯
cuspless artificial tooth : 無咬頭歯
decayed tooth rate : 未処置歯率
delayed eruption of tooth : 晩期生歯
dermal tooth : 皮歯
differentiation of tooth : 歯種鑑別
discolored tooth : 変色歯
displaced tooth : 転位歯
division of tooth : 歯牙分割
DMF tooth index : DMFT指数
DMF tooth rate : DMF歯率
DMF tooth surface index : DMFS指数
DMF tooth surface rate : DMF歯面率
double rooted tooth : 複根歯
dwarf tooth : 小歯(矮小歯)
egg tooth : 卵歯(らんし)
elongated tooth : 挺出歯
embedding tooth : 埋伏歯
erupted tooth : 萌出歯
eruption stage of deciduous tooth : 乳歯萌出期
eruption stage of permanent tooth : 永久歯萌出期
external resorption of tooth : 歯外吸収
extraction of tooth : 抜歯(術)
eye tooth : 眼歯
filled tooth rate : 処置歯率
fluorosed tooth : フッ素症歯
foramen cecum of tooth : 盲孔
fracture of tooth : 破折
fractured tooth : 破折歯
front tooth : 前歯
functional artificial tooth : 機能的人工歯
gastric tooth : 胃歯
geminated tooth : 双生歯
ghost tooth : 幻影歯
giant tooth : 巨大歯
gray-brown tooth : 灰褐色歯
hard tissue disease of tooth : 硬組織疾患
have a sweet tooth : 甘いものが好きです, 甘党です
horizontal wisdom tooth : 水平智歯
horny tooth : 角質歯
Hutchinson tooth : ハッチンソン歯
hypoplastic tooth : 形成不全歯
immature apex of tooth : 根尖未完成歯
immatured permanent tooth : 幼若永久歯
immediate separation of tooth : 即時歯間分離
impacted supernumerary tooth : 埋伏過剰歯
impacted tooth : 埋伏歯
impacted wisdom tooth : 埋伏智歯
impression of abutment tooth : 支台歯印象
inclined tooth : 傾斜歯
incompletely impacted tooth : 不完全埋伏歯
individual tooth tray : 個歯トレー
infected tooth substance : 感染歯質
infraversion tooth : 低位歯
inverted tooth : 逆生歯
key tooth : 鍵歯
labyrinthodont tooth : 迷歯
lateral tooth : 側歯
long in the tooth : 年老いた, Much of its research was long in the tooth, and member companies grumbled about the small return on their annual seven-figure investment.
long rooted tooth : 長根歯
luxated tooth : 脱臼歯
malpositioned tooth : 転位歯
marginal tooth : 縁歯
metal tooth : 金属歯
milk tooth : 乳歯
milk tooth germ : 乳歯胚
missing tooth : 喪失歯
missing tooth rate : 喪失歯率
molar tooth : 臼歯, 大臼歯
morphodifferentiation stage of tooth germ : 形態分化期
mottled tooth : 斑状歯
mulberry tooth : 桑実状歯
multirooted tooth : 多根歯
multitubercular tooth : 多咬頭歯
natal tooth : 出生歯
natural tooth : 天然歯
natural tooth color : 天然歯色
neonatal tooth : 新生児歯
non-anatomical tooth : 非解剖的人工歯
nonrooted tooth : 無根歯
opposing tooth : 対合歯
parmanent tooth : 永久歯
pathological tooth fracture : 病的歯折
peg tooth : 歯かん
peg-shaped tooth : 栓状歯
pericoronitis of wisdom tooth : 智歯周囲炎
permanent tooth : 永久歯
persistence of deciduous tooth : 乳歯晩期残存
physiological tooth movement : 生理的歯の移動
pin porcelain facing tooth : ピン陶歯
pink tooth : ピンク歯
plastic tooth : レジン歯
pontic porcelain tooth : ポンティック陶歯
porcelain facing tooth : 前装陶歯
porcelain tooth : 陶歯
posterior tooth : 臼歯
predecessor tooth : 先行歯
preformed crown for the deciduous tooth : 乳歯用既製冠
present tooth : 現在歯
prevalence rate of persons with DMF tooth : DMF者率
proliferation stage of tooth germ : 増殖期
prolonged retention of deciduous tooth : 乳歯晩期残存
pulpless tooth : 無髄歯
raker tooth : かきあさり
remaining tooth : 残存歯
residual tooth substance : 残存歯質
resin tooth : レジン歯
reverse pin porcelain facing tooth : リバースピン陶歯
reversed-bite tooth : 反対咬合用臼歯
rhachidian tooth : 中歯
rootless tooth : 無根歯
rostral tooth : 額歯
rudimentary tooth : 痕跡歯
sagittal tooth curve : 前後咬合弯曲
saw tooth appearance : 鋸歯状
screwdriver tooth : らせん状歯
sharp as a serpent's tooth : <毒舌が>とても鋭い
shell tooth : 殻状歯
single rooted tooth : 単根歯
snow-capped tooth : 雪帽子歯
sound tooth : 健全歯
spike tooth : 歯かん
spike tooth harrow : 歯かんハロー
spring tooth : ばね歯かん
stained tooth : 着色歯
submerged tooth : 沈下歯
supernumerary tooth : 過剰歯
syphilitic hypoplasia of tooth : 梅毒性歯牙形成不全
take the bear by the tooth : 無用の危険をおかす
threshing tooth : こき歯
tipping tooth : 傾斜歯
tooth : 1.歯, 2.(食物の)好み, 歯, かみ合う, 歯を付ける
tooth axis : 歯軸
tooth axis surface cavity : 歯軸面窩洞
tooth band : 歯堤
tooth borne type denture : 歯根膜負担義歯
tooth brush : 歯ブラシ
tooth bud : 歯蕾
tooth crown : 歯冠
tooth erosion : 酸蝕症
tooth extraction : 抜歯(術)
tooth extraction wound : 抜歯創
tooth fatality rate : 歯の致命率
tooth formula : 歯列式
tooth hardness : 歯の硬度
tooth implantation : 歯の移植
tooth loosening : 歯の弛緩
tooth mark : 歯痕
tooth mortality rate : 歯の死亡率
tooth neck : 歯頸
tooth notation : 歯の記号
tooth pick : 楊枝
tooth positioner : ツースポジショナー
tooth root : 歯根
tooth root exposure : 歯根露出
tooth rotation : 歯の捻転
tooth row : 歯列
tooth shape : 歯形
tooth substantial defect : 実質欠損
tooth surface : 歯面
tooth transplantation : 歯の移植
tooth wiring : 歯の結紮
traumatic hypoplastic tooth : 外傷性形成不全歯
traumatic tooth fracture : 外傷性歯牙破折
traumatized tooth : 外傷歯
treated tooth : 処置歯
treated tooth rate : 処置歯率
true tooth : 真歯
tube tooth : チューブ陶歯
Turner tooth : ターナー歯
unerupted tooth : 未萌出歯
untreated tooth : 未処置歯
wisdom tooth : 智歯(第3大臼歯, おやしらず)
yellow tooth : 黄色歯

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